Packs of products
We have created packs that contain different Xocomon chocolate products, ideal for making gifts, for events, communions, Easter treats and much more.
King Mufli is Xocomon’s pet, nice and smiley, his main obsession is to have everything under control. He has got one single eye, but very big, and he also has a pair of antennas to be alert. He’s the king who can see and check everything, as a good specialist in allergens and traces. He makes sure that no allergens enter the chocolate factory.
Our son Cesc takes this role. He is his sister’s supervisor when they are together, without us, the parents. He’s the “reader of the product’s labels” and his sister’s protector. He has everything under control and he is always alert in order to guarantee Claudia stays away from allergens that can harm her.
Here is where King Mufli lives. This is his fortress, his unbreakable wall for allergens. This is the Xocomon factory, the place where the production of our chocolate is safe, thanks to King Mufli’s supervision.
Only soya is permitted to enter, forblack chocolate production.
Only soya and milk are permitted to enter, for milk chocolate production.
Dried fruit and nuts traces do not enter, under any circumstances.
He is the jester of the castle and depicts the gluten allergy. He is the one who makes us laugh, brings hope, illusion and surpasses all challenges, even though he has a very difficult task. In our chocolate world there is no gluten, but we created this character for future projects.
He lives in a farmhouse with some curious hens. He is a very attentive inspector. He has a single eye and a magnifying glass to make sure there is no egg around! It is a hard work to check all the labels that may contain egg! It is difficult to follow a diet free of egg, because it is usually present in many different types of processed food, and it is still a hidden allergen in many products. Our chocolate is free of egg. Clàudia’s health has improved with regard to egg allergies. There is hope for our children.
She’s a beloved cow. She was already at home when my father was a little boy and he would spend the summer in Llessuí. He would walk her every afternoon, always accompanied by Nieves, the shepherdess, and the dog. Even though Pigalla’s milk was what he really liked about Llessuí, it was also the reason why he had to go to the hospital for the first time (my father was admitted 30 years ago). Such good milk it was! It was also Claudia’s first allergy.
Nowadays Claudia is allergic to milk and she wants chocolate free of dried fruit and nuts traces, but also as good and real as the rest of the children’s chocolate. That’s why we produced chocolate that, although it contains milk, does not contain dried fruit and nuts traces.
For children with lactose intolerance, we can offer them our black chocolate free of milk traces.
We come from Badalona and, as it could not be otherwise, our story needs to have a demon, like the one burnt every 11th of May, during Saint Atanasi festivity. You are going to meet him through this adventure. He travels by zeppelin spreading pollen and allergens.
She depicts all dried fruit and nuts. She’s sweet, bitter sometimes and she makes Claudia’s life impossible. She’s the most annoying allergen. Claudia and Princess Nut don’t get on! So now you know she’s the most beautiful, but she’s also the one who makes our life more difficult. This project emerges to fight against Princess Nut and her friends!
Such a beautiful place! The Pinewood is full of centennial pines, all being part of Can Solei Park and Ca l’Arnús, in Badalona. And such a pinewood must be part of our world. There is where Claudia plays every day, it’s her playground, the place where she is aware of her allergies. This is why it will be the milk chocolate’s packaging. Being like the rest of us is what she most desires.
We love the sea, we all like sailing. Sailing is funny, we can see the fish. We sunbathe…Nito, experienced seaman with a blue beard has lived many adventures and challenges. He has overcome storms that have helped him to grow and has always fought against seafood and fish, which always attack him!
He has travelled to Turtle Islands and has come across other tribes. Luckily he has the lighthouse to get home safely!